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    ELO-P Directors

    ELO-P Directors

    Achieve Charter School of Paradise
    Trinity Dawson
    Achieve Charter School of Chico
    Brenda Brown
    Achieve More! ELO-P After School Program

    Achieve More! ELO-P After School Program

    The Achieve More! ELO-P After School Program will start immediately following the regular school day and ends at 5:30 pm. Students will begin Homework Club/Tutor Time as an opportunity to complete homework and practice academic skills such as creative writing, reading, typing, learning games, computers, and more. They will be greeted at the door by a familiar, caring staff member. Students will also have time to play outdoor group games and sports as well as unstructured outside time. Throughout each day, there will be a variety of engaging and enriching activities, from academic support, games, S.T.E.A.M. activities, reading, social-emotional learning, and performing arts. The daily tuition is $8 (Monday-Thursday) and $10 (Friday) and FREE for all qualifying students. 
    Please register and pay for the dates needed for the upcoming month by the fifth of each month. This can be completed by clicking the links below. Families can also sign up and make a payment in the school office. Unfortunately, refunds will not be given if your child is absent.
    ACS paradise ELO-P AFTER SCHOOL pROGRAM sign-ups

    ACS paradise ELO-P AFTER SCHOOL pROGRAM sign-ups



    ELO-P Payments 

    ELO-P Payments 

    Additional ELO-P daYs

    Additional ELO-P daYs

    Additional ELO-P dates (on non-school days) are also offered throughout the school year. Please see the ELO-P Calendar for date info. These additional days start at 8:30 am and end at 5:30 pm. Students will engage in academic skills such as creative writing, reading, math, learning games, computers, and more. Each week there will be a variety of fun and engaging activities: crafts, S.T.E.A.M., social-emotional learning, and field trips! The daily tuition is $10 and FREE for all qualifying students.  
    Summer ELO-P

    Summer ELO-P

    Summer ELO-P is available! Please see the ELO-P Calendar for date info. From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm students will engage in academic skills such as creative writing, reading, math, learning games, computers, and more. Students will have structured games and water play as well as unstructured outside time. Each week, there will be a variety of fun and engaging activities: crafts, S.T.E.A.M., social-emotional learning, and field trips! The daily tuition is $10 and FREE for all qualifying students.